Realized Projects

EASEIT and its subsidiary ALONOR Consulting provide consultancy & developments in the fields of security, telecommunications & EDI.

  • Elaborating RFP & Analysing answers for banking project
  • Stock Exchange Networks Projects Management
  • Analysing Security User Requirements 
  • Auditing Security Products 
  • Expertising Security Devices  
  • Securizing file tranfers between Internet server & back-office
  • Porting Etebac5 communication  layers V1.4 to  2.1 version
  • Logical Security Training 
  • Developping smart cards applications: Pre-Paid  cards & vehicules identity cards
  • Deploying EDI5 projetcs
  • Projects Management
  • Training & Conferences
Our Knowhow


  • Projects Management.
  • IT architectures.
  • Monetics: Autorisations, Bank Security, ETEBAC5, Key Escrow, Certifications, RSS.
  • Logical Security : ISO9735, ISO7498-2, DES, RSA, SHA, DSA, MDC, RIPEMD, Security Processors ,Smart Cards, SSL, Edifact Security, Internet Security, PKI, PKCS.
  • Telecommunications: SwiftNet, TCP/IP, Ethernet, X25, FTAM, PeSIT,  X400, X500, ISO, DCE, ETEBAC5, EDI5, Edifact, Web, Internet, Medical networks.
  • RS/6000, Sun, PC, Unix,  OS2, Windows, C++, C, Java, XML, HTML, Pascal, Assembleur, VB, .NET, C#