Security Devices
Cards and Readers


In addition to its Products & Conculting activities Easeit provides readers & smart cards:

  • ETEBAC5 smart cards readers:
    •  Xiring (XIPAD/Compatible TLP224) 
    •  Omnikey (Cardman 8630, 3821 & Cardman 4040),
    •  Oberthur (OC144, DE122/PE112, OC132). Oberthur fabricates no more these readers. They are replaced by the Omnikey readers.
  • Oberthur smart cards,
  • Visual personnalisation of the smart cards,
  • EDI5 DX+ smart cards Personnalisation.


Edifact and EDI5 Certificates 

EASEIT can provide EDI5 & Edifact Certificates for secured projects.